On Action

I believe there is a paradigm shift that is happening in our lives and within ourselves. As free sovereign spiritual human beings. It's one of sharing. A whole new world. The time has come where suffering is over. Don't struggle trying to make it. Being free is our birth right. Love or fear.

These are action items I will implement in 2015 and 2016.

Community wide: 
  1. Identify weaknesses in local community
  2. Create team and strategy
  3. Reconcile situations
  4. Create Action Pack
  5. Execution 
  • T-shirt
  • Bracelet
  • Digital Download card
  • 1-800 # for customer service and help
  • Contests
  • Shared mailing campaigns. 
Top 100 Initiatives
  1. Fundraising. 
  2. Apprentice recruitment. 
  3. Grant programs. 
  4. Resources. 
  5. Disaster prevention and relief. 
  6. Housing condition improvement. 
  7. Early intervention. 
  8. Provide jobs, prospects, and opportunities. 
  9. Make a difference. 
  10. Build more playgrounds. 
  11. More heart and compassion. 
  12. Harmony
  13. Trust
  14. Love
  15. Abundance. 
  16. Education. 
  17. Parents. 
  18. Missionary support and training. 


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