A Golden Heart: Journey to Equilibrium (Preview)

A quick preview of my book A Golden Heart: Journey to Equilibrium  I've been writing through a lot of struggle. Thirty years of research, notes, and real life experiences of myself and my girlfriend are in the book.  I went through bullying, bankruptcy, foreclosure, poverty, unemployment, homelessness, and had a gun pulled on me. My girlfriend survived typhoid fever, escaped a revolution in the Philippians and moved to the United States, overcoming more immense struggle in California.

I know what it's like to feel unwanted. I was an outcast, and bullied at high school. I had a speech impediment. Later in life as I became successful in sales and starting businesses in my twenties I developed an ego to make up for the lack of attention I received. This led to a divorce, a DUI, bankruptcy, and a foreclosure. I was ready to take my own life. It felt like I had failed in life and had no purpose anymore. Now that I made it through that struggle and learned that happiness comes from within, I am dedicating my life to inspiring others and giving faith and hope to those who may end up like I did.

I have a great deal of radio, TV, film, and public campaign experience. I've helped huge names in the sports and entertainment world:

I have over 500,000 emails personally, all divided down into sections and organized by first name. My social media following is around 100,000 total and on over 200 different platforms. I have a press list and relationships with many national newspapers, web sites, tastemakers, and magazines.

Many people experience frustration and profound angst, battle feelings of inadequacy and worrying they are doing everything wrong in life.

A Golden Heart: Journey to Equilibrium
A wise woman living in the woods is the key to a teenager's survival. A Golden Heart is an inspiring story of faith, hope, courage, love, & redemption. The goal is to encourage more kindness, compassion, love, caring, giving, heart, and soul.

Brooke, an angry, frustrated, abused, and depressed teenager expelled from school escapes to the nearby wilderness. When she comes upon a log cabin cottage in the woods inhabited by Esiw, an old Asian lady who left civilization years ago. Brooke is faced with a choice and a challenge: perish or conquer her fears and find love. A Golden Heart is an inspiring story of courage, transformation, and redemption.

Author Biography: 
Michael Downey is a writer and entrepreneur in California. He loves stories that promote kindness, compassion, love, caring, giving, heart, and soul. In his early years, Downey won the Minnie Hite Moodie Writers Award & was a journalist in Ohio. He has helped many charities with youth programs and completed a mission with Save Our Youth in Mexico. In 2007, he sold his Colorado-based sports high-tech social application PlayCoed.com to 212 Media. In 20 years Downey has published over 3,000 songs, started four businesses, written 7 screenplays, & worked with various Denver Nuggets, Colorado Rockies, and Denver Broncos players.


Primary: People who sincerely seek purpose, spirituality, and answers to life's hardest questions.
Secondary: People developing a paradigm of how their faith interacts with themselves, God, and the world around them.
Tertiary: Nonbelievers and seekers who see God as controlling and have never understood freedom and grace.

Format and Details of Manuscript: 

Bookstore section: Fiction, Inspiration
Book format: Trade paper
Price point: $15.95
Word count: 120,000
Special features: A study guide, workbook, audio version, illustrations, and screenplay will be created.

Potential Endorsers: 

  • TJ Doyle
  • Matt Bliss
  • Mike Gelman
  • Mike Pritchard
  • Kelenna Azuibuike
  • MacKenzie Bearup
  • Daniel Park
  • Ken Unger

Affinity Groups:

Readers of the following authors would be interested in this book: 

  • John C. Maxwell
  • Zig Ziglar
  • OG Mandingo
  • Rob Bell
  • Donald Miller
  • Anne Lamott
  • Lauren Winner
  • Brennan Manning
  • C.S. Lewis
  • Phillip Yancey
  • Marianne Williamson
  • Ruediger Schache
  • Paulo Coelho
  • Gary Zukav
  • Immaculec Ilibagiza
  • Dean Shrock
  • Michael Bernard Beckwith
  • Linda Francis
  • Jane Goodall
  • Isabel Allende
  • Joe Dispenza
  • Howard Martin
  • Deepak Chopra
  • Eckhart Tolle
  • John Gray
  • Mark Nepo
  • Maya Angelou
  • Rollin McCraty
  • Neale Donald Walsch

Readers of the following magazines would be interested in this book: 

Listeners of the following radio programs would be interested in this book: 

Book Comparisons: Wild


Romans 12:2 (NKJV) And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Tribber, Blogs, Public Relations campaign, Pinterest, Twitter (100,000 followers and ads), facebook, Google Plus, and much more.

Mood and Feel:

I sourced a lot of art work to inspire me along the way. Of course nothing is exact to how it is in the book, or will be in the movie, but gives a good idea of the mood and feel. Some of that is here:

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